Thursday, 21 May 2009

Methodology done

Last Sunday I finished the first draft of the methodology and sent it off to my supervisor. Having this blog proved really useful as it meant I could check some of the detail for the methodology without having to rack a tired brain to recall things from months ago!! I suspect I have included some justification that is not necessary and possibly not included enough detail on other aspects. No doubt Andrew will advise in due course.

I have a week off next week and aim to get the findings written up. I have a large folder containing all the various print outs so that is my starting point. I have been through it this week and collected the different headings together into an outline structure for the chapter. I have a feeling that there may be a need for more analysis but hopefully not too much.

At present I am about 50% through the first draft of the thesis. If I complete the findings in the next week that will be around 70% done. With a fair wind the whole thesis could be complete in draft by the end of June.

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