Saturday, 15 March 2008

.... and Even More Data

As predicted this week has seen a deluge of diaries hit my inbox. Overnight from Sunday to Monday 75 arrived and this morning I have 326 diaries in total, hopefully with more to come.

I have now got opening the diary file, removing the password protection, copying and pasting the data into the master file and then saving the original diary down to a fine art. I reckon each now takes me about 2 minutes - so getting on for 3 hours work just to collect the data.

The post-module questionnaire went live last Sunday and already 200 students have completed it. All being well I am anticipating having a complete set of data (questionnaires and diary) for around 300 students. More would be nice!

One of the benefits of being in the UK is the ability to pop into IOE. I was in London for a workshop on advanced scholarship 10 days ago and arranged to have 20 minutes with my supervisor on the way home. It really is helpful to use occassions like that to take stock and to articulate where you are at with someone. Makes me think that a 'buddy' system could work equally well for times in between.

Incidentally it was graduation day at IOE so nice to see the students dressed up in all their finery and caps and gowns. Have to say the EdD robes look well worth the time and effort:-)

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