Sunday, 15 March 2009

Tempus Fugit

Where does the time go!!? A month has flown by without posting so what have I been doing?

Well literature is the answer. I may be being far too conscientious in collecting my references, quotes etc together but for my own peace of mind I have to do this comprehensively. I am over half way through going back over the books and articles I have collected. For the last month I have tried to get to work by 6.30-7.00am so as to get a couple of hours in before the day job starts. Weekend time has been less than intended due to various events that have come up but have still managed to get some reading done every week.

The good news is I have now agreed a block of 3 weeks time off work starting 23rd March and running up to and over Easter. This should ensure that the literature research is finished and written up together with the methodology. The findings are all there waiting to be written up so I am still hoping that the back of the thesis will be broken by end of April and the complete first draft finished by the end of May. I suspect that submission will now be towards the end of July. It may be earlier as I am planning to take a further two week block of time off to get the final draft completed.

Today I am writing a paper for a conference which is drawing on the time use data. Although it interrupts the literature research it is giving me another line of thinking to include in the findings as it is considering the differences between UK and Non-UK students.

During the last month I have also heard that a couple of friends have got their viva dates set up. Knowing this certainly spurs me on to get to that position too.

So - Back to it!!